One of the last things to go on the bride is the garter. Have you ever wondered why the bride wears one. The wearing of the garter by a bride and the garter toss are events that occur at nearly every wedding reception. It’s a tradition passed down for generations. The garter was to prove to family and friends that the bride and groom had consumated the marriage. Family members would go into the bride and groom’s room and be given the garter as proof. The garter were seen as good luck charms. Many times the onlookers would get out of hand and steal the bride and groom’s clothing and garter to keep for good luck. Thankfully, due to modesty, as this tradition was passed down the location was changed from the bedroom to the wedding reception. Now, instead of the garter being stolen from the bedroom floor, it is thrown for all of the single men to catch. Today this tradition is now called the garter toss. It is still believed to be good luck for the man who catches it, and that he will be the next to marry.