The playful sunbeams swirled each other about on the wide, bubbly surface of the Russian River, as if they too were wild with the anticipation and excitement of the events to take place that day. The sedate little log cottage with Bavarian decor and the petite covered bridge chose a calmer approach. When, towards the late afternoon, a party of people arrived, they were greeted by the verdant forest, the gentle, rippling surface of the river, and the small talk of the squirrels. At last the event for which Croney Cove was prepared was ready to begin. And so, standing before a minister, Jenny and Gus faced each other, preparing to speak their wedding vows. With their closest family and friends rallied around them, and atmosphere of wonder enveloped the couple as the ceremony passed before them like a dream. The light on the river seemed to be waltzing more peacefully as the ceremony drew to a close. The bride and groom, accompanied by their small entourage, proceeded to the bridge where a long table had been set and bedecked with bouquets of the little flowering delights of summer.
Thanks to Croney Cove and the support of friends and family, Jenny and Gus had a beautiful wedding.
Location: Sun Valley, Idaho (Croney Cove)
Wedding Planner, Floral Artistry , Catering: Judith McQueen (
Croney Cove: Lisa Vierling (
Photographer: Todd and Julie Nichols (